5th Fall Share

Beets, radicchio, escarole, parsley, green mustard, popcorn and leeks. The beets in the share are a winter variety, which is actually a genetic mix of varieties called 3 Root Grex. Greens are still looking good so we left them on for you to enjoy. Radicchio wasn’t scheduled to be in the shares but it was ready so in it goes. I’ll try to repost an old video I did on turning the ears of popcorn into the tasty snack we all know – If you have a very strong grist mill you can also turn it into grits or flour. I’ve been having it in bread and pancakes for a while now, in addition to popping it. The leeks are long! I’ve been cutting them in half when I get home to fit them into my fridge and they store very well that way.

We ran out of our good Thursday weather luck yesterday and it was cold! And a little wet. We did get lucky that it basically stayed dry while we were harvesting and we were mostly able to move under cover when it started raining. Crops in the hoop house got cleaned up, the shares got packed and by the time we were cleaning up the weather had dried out again.

Looks like we’ve got a super wet week in store. Assuming the farm doesn’t float away we’ll be back for a similar harvest next week.

One reminder note: because of the Thanksgiving holiday this week was an A week and next week will be the 5th B week. We’ll have our sixth and final fall season harvests for the A and B weeks on December 14 and 21.

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